Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hey! Midwest Bloggers...

I'm bringing Canadian money home! Finished 3rd in the Eh Vegas! tournamet. When I left, Astin and NutzCarson were heads up. There is much beer to drink...better go!


Dee said...

Nice work!

Memphis MOJO said...

good job = hope u had phun.

Shrike said...

Nice job! There's no money like blogger money.


BWoP said...


lightning36 said...

Way to represent. Show them boyz that midwest poker players are the shitz.

Waiting to read a recap. Oh wait ... I should check back around Christmas, right? Heh.

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

Hey that's great and congrats Capt let's chat about that money I loaned you for your lil poker game.
27 % interest.....but I'm sooo not a loan shark.
Maybe a loan ray, but definately not a shark......

Steady On
Reggie Girl

OhCaptain said...

Dee - thanks!

MOJO - I had a blast! Great group of people.

Shrike - No kidding. There is nothing sweeter then blogger money.

CK - WEEEEEEEEEEE! Back at ya'! Hope to see you at one of these again.

Lightning - Glad I was up to the task...and the recap, yes, I do seem to suck at getting these out. Friggin' real life.

Reggie Girl - Loan...hmm...I don't remember a loan. You can back me in the WSOP if you want :-p

Schaubs said...

Congrats dude.

Thanks for the well detailed comment too! I appreciate your support and feedback.

Maybe you'll make a trip to the West one day?