The fine folks at LivePokerRadio approached me with an offer I couldn't refuse. We only needed to negotiate the size of the truckload of money they would drive up to OhCaptain Poker (my daughter's Littlest Pet Shop oy fell on the truck and crushed it...damn it!). I've agreed to pimp the beginning of a new Monday tradition...the beginning of a legend. Without further adieu:
LivePokerRadio would like to invite you to join us on Monday's as we fill the void left by the departure of the MATH. We would like to thank Hoyazo for the two years he dedicated to Monday's At The Hoy.
The LivePokerRadio Tour will be offering many new opportunities for you to not only donk it up, but win. Come along for the ride. Everyone says they want to be there for the first.
You want the details? Let's get you all of them:
Date: Monday's starting August 4th
Time : 10 P.M. ET Full Tilt Poker
Buy In: $10 + $1 (May change due to special events)
Format : NLHE Single Stacks(May change due to special events)
Password : Boom

Finally, a private tourney series that seems to fit better with my time schedule. Or at least it will once school starts. If you tell me there will be more games than NLHE, I'll be set.
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